Adjuvant based on dried sourdough, it allows modern bread-making to produce, with the direct method, a bread that has all the typical properties of bread prepared with the biga. It increases the water absorption capacity and regulates the acidity of the doughs.

Dosage: 2-3%


Sourdough made from wheat flour. A higher degree of acidity is added to the same qualities and characteristics of ROBORIS. ROBORIS NATURE enhances the flavor and aroma of bread and increases its freshness and fragrance.

Dosage: 2-3%


A concentrated sourdough that gives fragrance and taste. ROBORIS PRESTIGE is recommended for all types of dough, including those with high machinability, and allows for the production of a wider range of breads with the characteristic flavor and aroma of long-fermented doughs.

Dosage: 1%


Sour dough made from RYE flour. Usable in the production of all types of bread. It replaces bigas or carryover pastes. It guarantees the achievement of the right acidity, giving the characteristic aroma of rye.

Dosage: 2-3%