
Adjuvant with high functional performance. Conceived to replace emulsified products, solving the problems relating to the mechanical stress suffered by the mix and the thermal stresses caused by the use of cells. Made with a mixture of new generation enzymes, this is why it is suitable for all processes involving leavened, savory and sweet products. It does not require any declaration on the label.

Dosage: 1%


Concentrated adjuvant suitable for industrial baking, with high performance. It acts by giving great development to bread and bakery products. It ensures high dough stability, prolonging the crunchiness and friability of the finished product.

Dosage: 0.5%


Natural adjuvant for specific use for industrial productions. It is suitable for processing cells in combination with biga.

Dosage: 0.5%


Increases the "strength" of flours without compromising their extensibility. It improves the stability of doughs and the volume of breads produced with "critical" flours (rye, corn, wholemeal and multigrain flours).

Dosage: 0.5%